So on to more interesting things - pictures! Brayden is our resident color-er. When Jack came home from school yesterday with a coloring book from his police station field trip (which Brayden didn't participate in), Brayden was jealous. He got over it quickly though when I dug out his Thomas the Train coloring book from our art supplies box. (While Jack colored his police station coloring book). Not to mention, he's darn cute in his jammies. Rob called in to work yesterday so we could have a long weekend (we needed it)... and when he changed into his comfy clothes early in the evening, the boys were both inspired to go up to their room and change into their jammies as well. Monkey see, monkey do!

Today they both explored their artistic sides again... it's been a crafty week! Jack's class is exchanging Valentine's Wednesday and Thursday of this week, so Jack needed to put his Valentine's together to bring to school tomorrow. What this involved was him signing his name to 32 Valentine's! There aren't that many kids in his class, but he decided he'd also like to give Valentine's to all his teachers, his neighborhood friends, and even his little brother. Awwww. :) As luck would have it, we had the exact right number of Valentine's for everyone! By the end he was getting a little flustered and having a harder time writing his letters, but all in all, he did great for writing his name 32 times straight! It's hard to believe he can write his name period... he's getting so big! On that note, we picked up his kindergarten registration forms today - eek! Momma is so not ready for that one!
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