Another two-for-one today. By the time the boys were settled and the house was cleaned up and I got a chance to sit down and rest... I just didn't feel like uploading a picture of mac and cheese. Because that's all I photographed yesterday - mac and cheese! Jack's meal of choice. If asked what he wants for dinner, every night it's "mac and cheese!" If you remind him that he had mac and cheese for dinner last night, he
might pick something else. Maybe. He might still just want mac and cheese. Sure enough, that's what we had for dinner last night. Brayden doesn't like mac and cheese quite as much as Jack (he's still in the very picky toddler eating phase)... but if you cover it with salt and pepper, eating it becomes a game, and he likes it better. :)
Today I spent a little more time behind the camera. I had a lot of pictures to choose from, it was hard to decide on THE photo of the day. Ya know just generally too though...

trying to find a unique picture every day is making me aware of how identical our days are... and unless we do something different, my pictures would look the same every day! Thankfully part of our day today was different than our usual day lately. It was another nice day in Colorado, so after the boys' naps, we went outside to play for awhile. When we haven't played outside for awhile, they just can't even decide what to do... they'll start up one activity and within 5 minutes they'll move on to something else. Digging with their tractors, riding their scooters, sweeping, blowing bubbles, playing tennis, playing catch... the list goes on. Their scooters were a Christmas present from Grandma. Brayden stopped scootering for long enough for me to snap this picture. When I look at this, I think, please God don't let those dimples ever go away!
Sometime in the next few days I hope to post the pictures from January that didn't make the P365 cut. In the meantime, they're posted on my facebook page.
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