Meet "Sleeve." Sleeve is a character invented by chance while playing with the boys one night. We can't even remember when or why or how he came to be. But he did... and he's an integral part now of the boys' bathtime experience - at least when Daddy is home. Sleeve's just not the same when played by anyone else. What is Sleeve? Well it's Rob's sleeve pulled over his hand to be sort of something like a sock puppet? It's hard to explain. Sleeve has a hispanic accent - no clue why. He's quite an adventurer. He likes to climb (up the door frame), parachute, bounce on a pogo stick or a trampoline, and much more. He's often blindsided and attacked by his arch enemy, "The Claw" (aka - Rob's other hand - a la Jim Carey in Liar Liar). Sometimes when sleeve is rock climbing or adventuring, his "clothes" (aka Rob's sleeve) fall off and he gets very embarrassed. The boys LOOOOOOVE Sleeve. If Rob's home when we head up for bath, they ask if Sleeve's going to show up. They beg for Sleeve. They get sad when Sleeve leaves. They laugh at Sleeve so hard that sometimes they nearly cry. Somehow, Sleeve has yet to get old. It's our family's version of a puppet show (I still remember the puppet shows my dad used to put on in the doorways when I was a kid)... and I hope my kids will remember this as they grow older, too.
You need to get video of this!!
I was thinking as I was photographing it that I need to bring the video camera in next time! :)
Love it! Can't wait for the video.
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