The past couple of days were crazy busy and exhausting! We spent Thursday and Friday this week doing a "trial run" babysitting Kate, my brother Chris and his wife Sarah's little girl. She's 18 months old. In addition to that, Jack had a school field trip yesterday to an Araphaoe County police station. So we've been running around crazy AND with an extra kiddo in tow! It all went great, but I'm pooped!
Jack's field trip was good! Because my mom is not working right now, rather than bringing both Jack and Brayden on the field trip, my mom babysat Brayden (and Kate) so that Jack and I could go just the two of us - something we never get to do! It was nice to spend that time with him, and I got to see a side of him that I never see! My once shy little boy is really coming out of his shell! Throughout the presentations, he kept raising his hand... not to ask questions, but to tell stories (real and made up) relating to what was being talked about. For instance, he wanted to tell the police woman giving the "stranger danger" presentation about his stuffed dalmation Sparky after she showed a picture of a dalmation when talking about firefighters. We got to see the dispatch center, play inside two different police cars, and watch a K-9 demonstration. Here Jack is watching the K-9 demo, raising his hand, probably to tell another random story. I'll never know for sure... he never got called on this time. :)

Today Kate was back at our house for day two, and I continue to be surprised by how easy it's been having the third kid around. Granted, Kate is a pretty laid back little girl, and she's old enough now that she can keep herself entertained some. Still I was expecting it to be maybe a little bit harder (knock on wood!). I'm grateful for the chance to hang out with my awesome little neice, and for the chance for my boys to get to know their cousin better! We attempted out first outing this morning too, to Target. They did great! The hardest part was getting an extra child in and out of the car. After we got home, the three of them set up our little table and were just sitting together playing while I made lunch. They are all so cute and so silly!
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