The boys had so much fun with their foam sticker pictures earlier this week, that since we had nothing else to do today, I decided we should take a field trip to Michael's and buy some more stickers. Each of them got to pick out their own box of stickers - Jack picked "Monster trucks" (when we opened the box we discovered it was really more boats and bikes, but that's okay), and Brayden picked dinosaurs. When we got home they immediately got to work, however they kind of lost the creativity that was part of the process earlier in the week. Jack was pretty much just throwing pictures together as fast as he could, sticking 3-5 big stickers on each page with no rhyme or reason, then moving on to the next one. He said he was going to make one for everyone in Colorado - so all you CO family and friends - if you haven't gotten a picture yet, there's probably one on its way. :) He made some good headway as you can see from the big pile on our table... but he still has a long way to go. For today, he settled for giving each of his teachers one of the pictures he made today. So we labeled them accordingly and put them in his backpack to bring to school next week. He gave one to me, too. For Mother's Day.
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