Of course I brought my camera into Jack's classroom today with high hopes of snapping a part of his "getting to school" routine - washing hands or hanging up his backpack or tracing his name on his piece of paper... but Brayden INSISTED on bringing his backpack to school today too and doing Jack's routine too, and he tends to get a little pushy with the REAL preschoolers and cut in line and stuff, so I need to be on top of him and teach him good classroom manners! So by the time I was done refereeing Brayden's every move in the classroom, Jack was DONE with everything and sitting on the carpet playing with his best bud Jaxon. Figures.
As we were leaving I thought, "Okay, I guess I'll just take a picture of the outside of his classroom today..." when I saw them. The dandelions. The dandelions which cover the hill just next to Jack's classroom. The dandelions which Brayden picks almost daily and we CANNOT GET IN THE CAR UNTIL HE GETS TO BLOW OFF ALL THE SEEDS! Since winter has been behind us and these nuisance weeds have started to bloom, Brayden has developed a bit of a love affair with them. Truly, they are part of our daily preschool routine. Brayden was MORE than happy to frolick (yes, frolick) on the hill and pick tons of dandelions and blow the seeds to his heart's content. He even let me take pictures! Now you know he was in his happy place. He let Mommy take a picture without putting up a fuss! And now *I* am having a bit of a love affair with dandelion pictures. I took about 50... and pretty much I love them all. I want to go take MORE dandelion photos tomorrow!
What a cool picture! I can see the little 'wishes' blowing away! That is one to be blown up for the wall!
Aww, thanks! :)
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