What you see here are the spoils of a successful (well, sort of, anyway) day of potty training. Today we introduced the upped-ante prize for going poop on the potty (after four days straight of accidents). If you can poop on the potty, you get a NEW HOT WHEEL. Ding ding ding! We have a winner folks! Brayden had one accident first thing this morning. After that he pooped on the potty FIVE TIMES. Okay I should preface this by telling you he does not usually poop THAT much. I honestly think he had a bit of an upset tummy today, which oddly worked to our advantage. One of those five times started as an accident but he caught himself (or *I* caught him, rather) and finished on the toilet. And all day long it was, "And if I go poop on the potty, I can get ANOTHER new car?" Yes Brayden, if this is what it takes for you to stop pooping in your underwear. Mommy is tired of cleaning them out.
Hallelujah, I think we've had a breakthrough!
I've got 3 down and 2 to go. You'd think I would have it down to a science now...but I don't. It's different each and EVERY time. What worked well with one boy, didn't with the next, and so on. I have to tell you a secret - I don't clean out poopy undies. A horrible waste, I know. I just bag them up and toss them out. There, I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent......
I forgot to say,
Amy that's shameful! Okay not really, I'm tempted myself. But I'd rather save the money. :) Glad to hear it's different with every one... it would be nice if it was easy and repetitive though... oh well, what can you do!? Successful day so far today, woo hoo! :)
OK, now I'm feeling guilty. Maybe with numbers 4 and 5 I'll learn to wash out poopy undies. Maybe....
Oh I didn't mean to make you feel guilty! Okay, maybe a little guilty. ;-) Actually poopie undies are nothing compared to what I had to deal with with Jack. I think I'm a little desensitized to poopie undies, and grateful for poopie undies compared to the poope clothes, pillows (yes, pillows), sheets, comforters, and everything else I had to clean up with Jack. Couldn't just go through the bedspread away! ;-)
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