Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend catch up!

So clearly things have been a bit nutty here, so I've been absent. Didn't stop taking pix though, so it's catch up time!

FRIDAY: Rob finished his part-time career as a graduate student with his last class on Wednesday. To celebrate, my mom came over to babysit and he and I went out on a date! We actually have TIME for that now (no more studying!)... not that we can afford it, but we have TIME! :) So we went to our favorite place the Rio for drinks, then went and played some mini-golf next door, and went back to the Rio for dinner. And it was a good thing we had those drinks before mini-golf because it was the LAMEST MINI GOLF COURSE EVER! Oh my goodness. There were no features, obstacles, or anything else of interest. Just some small hills and fake sand traps. That said, we were both still way over par. The course did, however, have a sign to direct us to the next hole... ya know, just in case we got lost or something. All in all we had a great night, and of course are so happy that Rob is done with school!!!

SATURDAY: Our boys NEVER sleep in. They are generally up sometime in the 6 o'clock hour every morning, sometimes early, rarely later. So imagine our surprise when at 8:30am on Saturday morning we woke to find the boys were both still in bed. Sleeping. Granted, Jack woke up at 5:00am needing help finding his stuffed dogs, and Brayden woke up at that time too, then came into bed to cuddle with me for a few minutes at 6:00am. And after that we assumed they'd gone downstairs to watch TV. But in fact, Brayden went BACK to bed and BACK to sleep after this little visit. Rob got up at 8:30 feeling guilty for leaving them alone downstairs for so long, and woke me up when he discovered they were still asleep. So I went to look in on them too, and that woke Jack up - but oh well! It was still a nice lie-in. Then Rob ultimately woke Brayden up at 9:30am. But not before I snapped some pictures of the pooped out cutie. It was bliss!

SUNDAY: Today was a mostly low key day filled with a lot of cleaning by me, and playing by all the boys. Then late in the afternoon we decided to take a walk over to the school down the road and play on the playground with our neighbor Marcelo and his mom. Rob was trying to get Brayden to climb this climbing wall, but I thought it was probably a little too steep for him. Well, he proved me wrong and zipped right up without a second thought. Little monkey.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Maybe on Monday"

On the drive to school this morning I asked Jack, "Can I take a picture of you at school today?" His response? "Maybe on Monday." Ummm... okay. So now what? My whole plan here is to document school for the next two weeks. So I snap a photo of the stoplight we are stopped at - just in case. After all, we get stopped at this same light EVERY DAY, it's a part of our lives. We can't forget those snowy winter days when the sensor doesn't work right and we get stranded at that light for multiple changes when the green arrow just never comes. "Why is it broken Mommy?" "Uhhh... I don't know... so I guess we're going to run it!" Yeah, we have a relationship with this light.

But alas, I managed to sneak a few pictures on our way into the classroom, and then snagged one IN the classroom. If Jack knew I took this, he'd probably be mad. One of the teachers asked me what was the "deal" with this camera I am carrying around. What - do no other parents take pictures? I tried to explain but she didn't "get" it. (Specifically the project 365 part). Anyway. Every morning as part of their routine of settling into the classroom, the kids trace their name on a laminated piece of paper. Practicing handwriting is an important part of the preschool curriculum, especially for those kiddos who will be in kindergarten next year. Here is Jack tracing his name. There's a spot under the name to try and write it freehand (no tracing!) too, and Jack has gotten very good at that part. His writing has definitely improved over the course of this preschool year!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My lack of inspiration has driven me to bring my camera to a place it has rarely gone....... to school! So preschool is a part of our routine 4 days a week, and yet I never photograph anything about it. Now that there's just a smidge over 2 weeks left of school, I figure I better get to work. So probably every school day between now and June 11 will be documented in some way on this blog. :)

Of course I brought my camera into Jack's classroom today with high hopes of snapping a part of his "getting to school" routine - washing hands or hanging up his backpack or tracing his name on his piece of paper... but Brayden INSISTED on bringing his backpack to school today too and doing Jack's routine too, and he tends to get a little pushy with the REAL preschoolers and cut in line and stuff, so I need to be on top of him and teach him good classroom manners! So by the time I was done refereeing Brayden's every move in the classroom, Jack was DONE with everything and sitting on the carpet playing with his best bud Jaxon. Figures.

As we were leaving I thought, "Okay, I guess I'll just take a picture of the outside of his classroom today..." when I saw them. The dandelions. The dandelions which cover the hill just next to Jack's classroom. The dandelions which Brayden picks almost daily and we CANNOT GET IN THE CAR UNTIL HE GETS TO BLOW OFF ALL THE SEEDS! Since winter has been behind us and these nuisance weeds have started to bloom, Brayden has developed a bit of a love affair with them. Truly, they are part of our daily preschool routine. Brayden was MORE than happy to frolick (yes, frolick) on the hill and pick tons of dandelions and blow the seeds to his heart's content. He even let me take pictures! Now you know he was in his happy place. He let Mommy take a picture without putting up a fuss! And now *I* am having a bit of a love affair with dandelion pictures. I took about 50... and pretty much I love them all. I want to go take MORE dandelion photos tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shameless bribery

What you see here are the spoils of a successful (well, sort of, anyway) day of potty training. Today we introduced the upped-ante prize for going poop on the potty (after four days straight of accidents). If you can poop on the potty, you get a NEW HOT WHEEL. Ding ding ding! We have a winner folks! Brayden had one accident first thing this morning. After that he pooped on the potty FIVE TIMES. Okay I should preface this by telling you he does not usually poop THAT much. I honestly think he had a bit of an upset tummy today, which oddly worked to our advantage. One of those five times started as an accident but he caught himself (or *I* caught him, rather) and finished on the toilet. And all day long it was, "And if I go poop on the potty, I can get ANOTHER new car?" Yes Brayden, if this is what it takes for you to stop pooping in your underwear. Mommy is tired of cleaning them out.

Hallelujah, I think we've had a breakthrough!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Swim goggles

We went swimming this morning at our gym's indoor pool (because it was too cold for the outdoor one which is, of course, now open). We met the Gumm family there, and the kids all had a great time splashing around together. In fact, Jack and Brayden both threw fits when it was time to leave, they were enjoying themselves so much. And since Jaxon and Ashlee both were sporting their cool swim goggles, Jack and Brayden decided that they too NEED swim goggles. So this afternoon we headed out to Target to pick up some goggles. The boys had them on as soon as they were out of the package and properly adjusted. They thought they were so cool wearing their goggles around the house this evening, and they especially enjoyed testing them out in their bath before bed. Goobers.

Week 21 Layout

Well I managed to finish this up earlier than I expected... probably because of the extended holiday weekend and Daddy being home for an extra day - woo hoo!

Click to see a little bigger...
Credits: Kit is Love All Year Long by Jady Day Studio; Template by Andrea Gold; Font is A Little Pot

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another rainy weekend...

The afternoons have been cool and rainy this Memorial Day weekend. So this morning we went outside to play in the morning before while it was still sunny and warm. The boys did some scootering and some playing with their trucks while we were outside. Jack was being particularly cooperative posing for me and I was lucky enough to snap this photo of him - great smile and those sparkly eyes again! This one may just make it onto the wall! Sure enough, it did start to rain and was chilly this afternoon. We did, however, venture out to Home Depot and bought oursevles a storm door!

I graduated from high school 13 years ago today - crazy!

My layout will be late again this week... but I''ll finish it eventually! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big boy underwear

We embarked upon the aruduous journey that is potty-training today with little man Brayden. Last night he shopped for his new underwear, and we prepared him last night for the drill this morning... and he was totally ready to go. When I got up I asked him if he wanted to change into his big boy underwear now and his reply was "am I a big boy now!?" He was super excited. And he did great ALL day. He didn't need to go half the time we reminded or asked him... he's got enough of a grasp on the pee part of things already that we were mostly just annoying to him, asking over and over. He did completely love getting his stickers for his sticker chart (or "potty picture" as we are calling it) as well as his gummy bears. We only had ONE accident all day - he pooped in his underwear right after lunch and was NOT happy about it, so I'm hoping it'll be a learning experience for it and he'll have better luck getting straight to the potty tomorrow! We are so proud of how well he did today... and of course, he looks super adorable in his big boy undies. :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dinosaur museum and boy stuff

On Thursday, Jack's preschool class field-tripped to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I'm ashamed to admit, I have never taken the kids there. Anyway they are learning about dinosaurs at school right now so they went to the museum armed with a scavenger hunt to find different dinosaurs in the Prehistoric Journey exhibit. I think Brayden was slightly let down by the fact that it was just statues and displays of dinosaur bones... somehow the discussion of a "dinosaur museum" meant to him a "dinosaur petting zoo." In any case though, they seemed to enjoy it overall. We spent the day with Jack's best school friend and his family, which always makes for a good time. We also visited the Space Odyssey exhibit, and saw a show at the planetarium called "Astronaut." That was a big hit with the kiddos. Here Jack and Brayden are checking out the skull of the t-rex and some other dinosaurs.

Today we had a playdate at our house with my best friend and her two little guys, Kadin and Ashton. They are all such BOYS... my two and her two. They went outside to play and they were MOST entertained by throwing around the action figures that came with their various trucks. Such a boy thing. Brayden and Kadin especially enjoyed hanging their guys from the tree in our front courtyard.

Side note. Mr. Kadin has undertaken the treacherous journey we call potty training this past week... and he's been doing a pretty good job! He's a few months younger than Brayden, who has shown all signs of readiness, so we've decided to seize the opportunity of the long weekend (and two grown ups at home for the duration) to start working on potty training with Brayden. EEK! Potty training with Jack was such a nightmare... such a frustrating journey. Of course he's 5 now and completely 100% potty trained and I can't imagine it was ever any other way. But still, the task is daunting to undertake again. Really it SHOULD be smooth sailing... but you never know with that guy. He's a wild card. Wish us luck!

Week 20 layout

So I got caught up in some other projects (like... finishing up my 2002 paper scrapbook, going through and throwing out a plethora of old pictures - mostly doubles from my old film camera, etc)..... so I just finally finished that Week 20 layout, which was mostly done a few days ago. Now it's all the way done... and it's almost time to get to work on Week 21!

Without further ado... here it is, Week 20... click to see a little bigger (almost half a year and I still haven't bothered to figure out how to post larger pictures).

Credits: Kit is Rainbow Joy by Miss Mint of Peppermint Creative; Template by M Originals; Stitching by Christine Nash; Font is Pea Mystie Unicase

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Game time

The boys busted out the family game box today - I think there are nine different games in this box - and they don't know how to play ANY of them. But they absolutely love all the different pieces and pretending to play the games. They will just sit at the table and set up the game boards, make up their own games and rules, and play. It's amazing how long this will keep them entertained!

No layout from last week yet - I got distracted by cleaning out old photos as part of my scrapbooking/organizing project. Now... to watch Idol. Even though I accidentally already saw a spoiler. :-p

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I can't say I undestand it, but the couch cushions have been the boys' toy of choice the past few days. They take them off, stack them up, make castles, runways, use them as packages to deliver, etc etc. Earlier today they were building castles and somehow Brayden managed to bounce in such a way that he bit his bottom lip - HARD. It immediately started gushing blood and he is left with two nice deep teeth marks on his lip. It very clearly HURT! But some time with an ice pack and extra TLC from Mommy seemed to make it all better. :)

Week 20 layout is almost done... should have it up tomorrow!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I've been pretty pampered the past few days... a pedicure on Thursday with my spa gift certificate from the gym for renewing our membership. Then I had my big haircut on Saturday. This morning I decided to top it off by giving myself a mini-manicure. Of course, if the little monkey in the house (the big monkey was at school) knew what I was up to, there was no way I'd be able to pull it off - he would most certainly demand my attention. So I hid in the kitchen and set up shop on the kitchen counter. Surprisingly it worked! He must have figured I was doing something far less interesting!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

In-home rivarly and a new 'do

Rob went to CSU for his undergraduate degree, and I went to CU. So as long as we've been together, there's been a little rivalry between us. In fact one of our first unofficial dates was a party at Rob and his brother's house to watch the annual Rocky Mountain Showdown. (CU won). So it's always been kind of funny since having kids to fight over what gear to dress them in. You can tell by their closets that we have more CU relatives than CSU. Yesterday Jack picked out his CSU t-shirt to wear and Rob had him running up to me to say "GO RAMS!" but he slipped up and said "Buffalo, buffalo - oh, um, GO RAMS!" Rob was just so pleased that Jack picked his CSU t-shirt that I could help but sneak Brayden's CU jersey shirt into the pile of clothes for the day, and he was sooooooo excited to be a Buffalo football player! Well what I REALLY wanted yesterday was a photo of the two of them together, but they haven't been getting along so great the past few weeks so that wasn't going to happen. And because I was gone most of the day getting my hair cut and scrapbooking... I tasked Rob with getting a photo of the day. I'm honestly surprised he took ANY of Brayden... I fully expected to come home to a camera full of CSU shirt pictures! :) However, as it turns out, Brayden was more cooperative than Jack about getting his picture taken yesterday, so there you have it - the little dude in his CU jersey. GO BUFFS! :)

And since I wasn't home long enough yesterday to have Rob take a picture of my new 'do... he snapped a few tonight while we were outside grilling some burgers. I think I got a solid 8 inches cut off... I had planned to go shorter but wasn't planning on THIS short... it's growing on me though (so to speak!). Sooooo different! (I wanted to do a before and after... but in the past two months of pictures, I can't even find one that I'm in with my hair down - so oh well!)

This week's layout is underway... hopefully will have it ready sometime this week!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Oh I'm so glad it's Friday... and tomorrow I'm going to get a lot of Mommy time away from home which I'm very much looking forward to!

This morning we met Castara, Kadin and Ashton at a park in the Stapleton area. We ran into our friends Kristin and Ian there, too! The park has a great sandbox, some play equipment, and these cool hills the kids can climb on. The three big boys in our group - Jack, Brayden and Kadin played so well together. Here they are climbing the "big mountain" together just before we left. Poor little Ashton was having a rough day and not feeling great! But we still had a fun trip and visit as always though!

And I have to share a sweet story before I sign off for the night... my little monster Brayden has been driving me nuts lately.... he's a cheeky little monkey and has some serious 3-year-old attitude.
It's been hard for me because he was always so sweet and cuddly and such momma's boy till recently. Then tonight, he says to me (with no prompting - just out of the blue) - "You are the best Mommy for-EVER." And gives me a big hug. Melts my heart... so here's a little pic (just for fun!) of my sweet monster from the elementary school carnival we went to tonight.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bright eyes

Even though I'm still feeling very much in a photo funk, I managed to get some rather good pictures of the boys today. Most of them were with the help of Rob telling them jokes. But before all of those I happened to snap a picture of Jack while we were outside playing baseball with one of the neighbor kids. The boys were sharing Lukas' Rockies - Jack was wearing it while he was the pitcher. I just love how his eyes are sparkling in his shot!

(I think I need to find Jack his own Rockies hat!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One of those days.

Today was one of those days. There were few moments of peace, there was much bickering between the boys (resulting in much yelling by me - I hate to admit it), there was much pulling out of hair by me. Thankfully after giving up the fight over a new telescope toy from a chick-fil-a kids meal, they stopped fighting for a few minutes and played trucks together nicely and peacefully while I finished making dinner. (Yes, Bradyen is still wearing his bike helmet). I'm glad this day is over.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Preschool art show

Jack's preschool art show was this evening at Cici's pizza. The best part for Jack was hanging out with his BFF Jaxon. Jaxon has been out of school for a couple of weeks and the boys definitely missed each other! So we had a yummy dinner, raised money for Creekside's preschool program, and we got to see Jack's art on display! Each student had one piece displayed, and Jack's was a painted butterfly.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Boring photo day

Okay with taking the photos every day, I fear that I'm getting very boring and repetitive. Every afternoon I find myself scrambling because I never took a picture... and by then the light is bad, the boys aren't cooperative, and we're doing the exact same thing every day. I'm not sure what to do... I need to find some new inspirtation or something... I'm starting to feel burdened!

Today all I could think to photograph was Jack shutting the door as he came into the garage from the kitchen. Now that it's getting nice again, we're spending a lot more time outside. And even when we're outside, the boys are always in and out of the house for something or another. And they ALWAYS leave the door open... letting out the cool air, letting in the warm air, and of course, letting in the bugs. I am constantly reminding them to close the door after themselves when they go in and out. Jack went inside for his water bottle, came back out, and started playing... till I reminded him to SHUT THE DOOR! (At least he heeds when I make these requests, and doesn't throw a tantrum like his younger counterpart).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 19

And on time! I am kind of baffled by the fact that 19 weeks of 2009 have already elapsed. It's MAY! It's almost MID-MAY! Craziness. But enough of my ramblings... here's the layout... click to see slightly enlarged.

Credits: Kit is Bee Happy by Andrea (hereascrapthereascrap); Template by Lindsay Jane Designs; Font is Perpetua

Happy Mother's Day!

First I want to wish all those Mother's in my life - my mom, mother-in-law, grandmother, aunts, sisters-in-law, and dear friends - a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope it was a great day for all of you, and you got all the spoiling you deserve! :)
Mother's Day celebrations started for us on Saturday morning, when we went to my mom's house for brunch with my little family, one of my brothers and his family, and of course my mom. It was the most food I have seen for five adults and three kids in a LOOONG time. It was absolutely delicious, and I have no idea why we don't do brunches more often! The kids all ate, then we sent them outside to play (or rather, they excused themselves to play outside!), then us grown-ups got to sit down and eat in relative peace, too. We felt stuffed ALL DAY. The kids all had a great time too. Miss Kate was a doll as always... and the one word that still always comes to mind when I see her is DIVA! After she gets over a little bit of initial shyness, that girl does not mind being the center of attention one bit! As we were getting ready to leave, she was showing us her gymnastics moves, then got ahold of my sunglasses and was happy to pose for me while wearing them. Isn't she just a riot!?

Today we celebrated Mother's day with our little family. One thing I really wanted for Mother's day was not to have to run all over town for various different get togethers... but to spend time with my three special guys! So my day started with a much needed sleep-in. :) I was awakened at 9am by two excited little boys with breakfast in bed, cards and presents. The boys each made me a card, and I got two new Willow Tree figurines to add to my collection, including this one from the boys. It's called "Heart of Gold" and the phrase attached to it is "you will always have my heart." Very appropriate for a Mommy whose heart belongs to two very special little guys. Our day also included lunch at Olive Garden (yum!), a lot of lazing around the house, and soon some take-home dessert - our favorite white chocolate raspberry cheesecake. I've been sadly feeling a little under the weather today so I've been a little frumpy for Mother's day of all days... but that doesn't mean the day was made any less special by my three awesome boys. I'll be sad to be back to the grind tomorrow!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Sticker fun part II

The boys had so much fun with their foam sticker pictures earlier this week, that since we had nothing else to do today, I decided we should take a field trip to Michael's and buy some more stickers. Each of them got to pick out their own box of stickers - Jack picked "Monster trucks" (when we opened the box we discovered it was really more boats and bikes, but that's okay), and Brayden picked dinosaurs. When we got home they immediately got to work, however they kind of lost the creativity that was part of the process earlier in the week. Jack was pretty much just throwing pictures together as fast as he could, sticking 3-5 big stickers on each page with no rhyme or reason, then moving on to the next one. He said he was going to make one for everyone in Colorado - so all you CO family and friends - if you haven't gotten a picture yet, there's probably one on its way. :) He made some good headway as you can see from the big pile on our table... but he still has a long way to go. For today, he settled for giving each of his teachers one of the pictures he made today. So we labeled them accordingly and put them in his backpack to bring to school next week. He gave one to me, too. For Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mario Kart

Tonight Kerry and I went out for dinner... and before we headed out she came over and gave the boys a belated birthday present - Mario Kart for their Wii! After they ate their dinner tonight - while Kerry and I were at Chili's - they got to play their new game! Jack really enjoyed it, and so did Brayden, even though I'm told he couldn't quite figure out how to play it. Rob took pictures in my absence. :)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

11 fingers?

So apparently this is Brayden week... it must be my way of subconsciously making up for last week, which was more Jack-heavy on photos. :)

Anyway. The boys are very into "math" right now - that is, questions like "what do 2 and 3 make?" or "how many fingers is this?" when holding up 4 on one hand and 2 on the other. They are mildly obsessed with numbers. I suppose that's a good thing, right? Well tonight while playing math with Daddy, Brayden decided to count his fingers. And he was CONVINCED that he has 11 fingers. I tried to tell him that he had counted wrong, but he was very certain that there were 11. In fact, it took several re-counts before he finally did end up with 10 fingers.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Family baseball game

After quiet time today, as usual, the boys wanted to go play outside. Jack really wanted to pick up trash, and Brayden really watned to find a ladybug. Well after Jack picked up all the trash he could find and Brayden gave up on finding a ladybug (but not for lack of trying!), we started playing baseball. Rob came home from work around the same time, and he played pictcher while Brayden was the batter and Jack the catcher. Brayden is getting closer and closer to actually hitting the ball... but he still mostly misses. :) I used the game as a chance to practice my shutter speed photos - so have here also a good example of frozen action!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sticker fun

I kept Jack home from school today... he's had a mild cough on and off since Thursday... and while I am certain he was fine, the whole "swine flu" panic led to me to decide to just keep him home. Not because I'm worried about him getting sick... but because I don't want him to freak out other parents with his cough! So a boring morning at home... until Jack remembered our package of foam space stickers. We haven't done anything with these stickers for literally over a year. The boys sure had a field day making their space pictures... they each made several... and they made space stories about their pictures as they created them. They also decided to give most of their pictures away and planned which family members to give them to. Daddy already has two space pictures to adorn his office - lucky him! I was especially impressed with how well Brayden did with peeling apart the stickers - good fine motor skills!

We will be off to the craft store to buy new foam stickers just as soon as they go on sale again! :)

Week 18 Layout

Got this week's layout done - only one day late - yay! I love the retro feel to this one. :) Click to see (slightly) bigger!

Credits: Kit is Eat Your Greens by Sarah Bennett; Template by Christina Brown; Font is Pea Charmaine

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Lazy weekend

For the first time in awhile, we actually had a lazy, boring weekend. No running around crazy! So lazy in fact that at the end of the day yesterday I found myself thinking... oh, no! I didn't take any pictures today! It was gloomy all day, so we mostly just stayed inside doing nothing. After the boys' naps and quiet time, we did go run a few errands (and out to dinner at Red Robin). After the little guys were in bed, I got to work on my project of the moment - a "through the years" scrapbook to document the boys' school years. Sarah and I took this class at Archiver's awhile back, and I'm finally getting around to finishing the pages. I nearly finished my layouts last night, and once the boys really start school, all I'll have to do is pop a few pictures onto each page as we go along. In the end, they'll both have a really cool moment of their school years. (I hope!)

Today was cloudy again, but a little nicer. And even though it was a little on the cool side, we played outside for a little while in the afternoon. We finally go around to taking the "balance buddy" off of Brayden's bike (it's a little bar we used to push him around before he could pedal himself). Then we talked Jack into practicing riding his bike without training wheels for awhile. All his friends are already riding with no training wheels, and we took his training wheels off awhile ago because one of them was broken. So basically, it's turned into a situation where the training wheels aren't going back on, so until Jack decides he wants to learn to ride without them, he doesn't have a bike. He does have a scooter though, so he's been pretty much avoiding the bike. Jack is very much the nervous type, so the fear of falling has him avoiding the bike. Jack did a great job! The last time we tried, I knew he was very close. Today he was even closer. He's got his balance almost down... he just needs to pedal a little faster, focus (he gets very distracted!), and I know he's just going to take off!

Behind on the Project 365 layout again... hopefully will have that done in the next day or two. :)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Breakfast for dinner

Tonight we decided to spice things up by having breakfast for dinner (in our jammies!) - something we had never done before - can you believe that? Soon after deciding to make pancakes, we realized that we were nearly out of pancake mix, so I had to make a quick run out to the store to get more. While waiting, the boys needed something to keep them occupied, so they got busy building with their blocks. After I got home and Rob started making the pancakes, I had an impromtu composition-practice photoshoot as the boys played on the floor. Something about this photo just jumped out to me - the boys hard at work with their blocks, all cute in their jammies. Jack was so excited to wear his new baseball jammies for the first time, and we busted out some of Jack's old jammies that he's outgrown for Brayden - who was more than thrilled to be spiderman.

And one final note - breakfast for dinner was a big hit. :)