It's kind of become my tradition to make a birth record cross stitch for the new babies of my family members and close friends. I've been cross stitching since I was a kid basically... and rarely a year has gone by when I haven't done some sort of cross stitch project. As soon as the parents-to-be pick out their nursery decor, I start shopping and get to work on my cross stitch for the new baby! Admittedly, after having my own babies (whose cross stitches were made by my dear friend Kerry, not me!) I admittedly fell a little behind "schedule" with some of these gifts... one was about six months late, the other ended up being a 1st birthday gift. But now that my guys are a bit older and I have a bit more free time (and even some time to do my own thing when they are awake!), I try to get them done promptly. This project has been done and waiting for the relevant statistics for a few weeks. I finished it up and got it framed tonight. I have to say, I'm especially happy with how this one turned out, and I can't wait to give it to little PK! (Partly because that means I'll be around the new guy again and can get some more new guy snuggles!)
Now... I must get cracking on my cross stitch for baby Carter... due in 3 weeks! I don't want to get behind! :) Will share that one when it's done. :)
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