Thursday was the blizzard... which didn't leave us with TOO much snow, but was enough to have the boys BEGGING to play in the snow basically from the moment the first snowflakes started to fall and I uttered the words "snow day." Friday morning they started right back up again, but I had to hold them off because we needed to go pick up Grandpa - my dad - from the airport. The roads were messy but not too bad. When we got home with my dad he offered to shovel our driveway, and the boys of course wanted to help out because that meant playing in the snow! They didn't stay out there too long, but it was enough to stop the begging to play outside for a little while. :) The boys wanted hats and snow gloves to keep warm while they were shoveling (but they didn't need jackets!)... which meant a super cute Brayden wearing his matching hat and sweater.
After lunch the boys REALLLLY wanted Grandpa to put them down for naps, but he had to go over to Chris and Sarah's house to get settled for the weekend. They were devastated... seriously. You'd think they thought they weren't going to see him again. He promised to do a nap the next day to make up for it. Well Saturday was their birthday party and no one came over till after naptime.... so that meant Grandpa got talked into putting the boys to bed. They showed him all the ropes, and sat on his lap - alternating between transfixed and laughing hysterically - while he read them bedtime stories. It was so sweet, he is so great with the kids.
They were crazy exhausted from the busy day (birthday party chaos!) and crashed right out. :)
We spent most of the next day (Sunday) recovering from the party and the overtiredness... the boys didn't go to bed till 9:30pm and were still up promptly at 6:30am. For dinner we headed over to Chris and Sarah's for dinner again (we were also there Friday night)... and one last good visit with Grandpa before he headed home to NC on Monday. I know of two little guys who are going to miss him VERY much! Actually, we will all miss him.
While at Chris and Sarah's, the boys discovered some of Kate's toys they hadn't played with before... specificially a toy cell phone. Jack was sitting on the couch next to me playing with it, and something it was doing just kept cracking him up. It was great - and I was lucky enough to catch his reaction in this photo!
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