Happy Happy birthday today to my baby boy, Brayden! I just cannot fathom that it's been THREE YEARS since our little guy officially joined the family! Little dude! We love you so so much! Or as Brayden says, we "love you a wuhly wuhly wuhly wuhly YOT!" (That's a really really really really lot).
We had a kind of hectic but a good day! Brayden loved the little bit of decorating I did for him last night, it really made him feel special on his special day! Then we took Jack to school and he told everybody withing hearing distance that today was his birthday! After that we had to take Daddy to the doctor's office for a cortisone injection in his back. Rob has some severe back problems due to two hurniated discs. While Rob was at the doctor's and Jack at school, I decided to take Brayden for a breakfast date. We went to Starbucks and I got a coffee, Brayden got a chocolate milk, and we shared a muffin. Unfortunately I should know better than to let Brayden drink chocolate milk. He always drinks it too fast and makes himself sick! Thankfully he didn't throw up - THIS TIME! We got Jack from school and soon after my mom picked Rob up from the doctor and brought him home! Brayden got some birthday presents from Grandma, who also bought McDonald's lunch for us. After naptime there were more presents, some playing outside, Papa John's pizza for dinner, and last but not least, birthday cake! I made brownies this year instead of a cake, but frosted them like a cake. They were super yummy and Brayden especially enjoyed them! Now Jack decided to chug a big bottle of water mid-way through his brownie and did make himself throw up.
Side note. One of my least favorite things about being a parent - all the vomit.
Anyway. Jack didn't even skip a beat and went about his night. As did Brayden! They had fun playing with Brayden's new cars (and Jack got one, too!) and Brayden put together his three new puzzles. He loves puzzles! He also got phone calls from his Grandma Jeanne and Aunt Katie. Now they are in bed. Sigh... it was a good day, but it wore me out!
Truly, I can't believe my baby is three! I can't imagine my life without him!
In other news... we also welcomed a new guy into the Roe family today... Rob's brother Kelly and his wife Marcia had their baby boy, Patrick Kelly, today. We are excited to go meet him very soon!
And an editorial note about yesterday's photo - I took it while laying down on the street on my stomach. Rob got our other camera and took a picture of that... I'll have to share that one another time!
In closing... one last, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYDEN! And Happy St. Patrick's Day, too! :)