Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Week 45 - And Post #200!!!

Well, I've made it to my 200th post! That's kind of exciting right? I know there's at least one reader out there who has made it this far with me... but I don't think my husband counts. ;-) Anyone else out there?

Working on catching up with my Project 365 layouts again! What am I going to blog about when this project ends? Tell you what, I can't wait for this project to be OVER! Not that I haven't enjoyed it... and I certainly do not regret having undertaken this project! However, it has gotten very difficult, even boring... and certainly repetitive. At least for me. I hope the book I make at the end of all this doesn't put us all to sleep! There's another photo-a-day challenge I'm thinking about for next year... I'm just not sure I can handle it!

Anyway for now I've got week 45 to share. Four more to go on this round of catching up. And then it's nearly the end of the year anyway!

Week 45 - click to see a little bigger!

Credits: Kit is Nature's Own by FoxyDesigns; Template by Simply Yin; Chipboard labels by Sweet Blossom Designs by Sara; Font is Pea Bonnie

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