Yeah, I've been MIA again. It's not just weekends that are crazy. It's life. The boys had a rough week and I had a hard time getting much of anything done. And first on my list was processing my first non-family (aka, not MY family), paid photo session. Woo hoo! That's finally done, and now comes the daunting tast of CATCH-UP... again!

So as I mentioned, I had my first real photo session with a client on Thursday. This client was a friend of my mom's, but still a stranger to me! She needed senior photos for her son, and also wanted some family photos with both of her kids. And... her daughter wanted to bring her dog. Thus began the party. :) They were super nice and fun and great to work with, and best of all, their pictures turned out well. Now here's hoping maybe I can get some more "real clients" because that would be fantastic! :)

Friday we took my momma to the airport for her trip to California. I took a picture of her at the airport, but in typical Mom fashion, her eyes were closed. So I decided not to use that one. We had an interesting trip home... including a potty stop on the way out of the airport, a trip to the park, needing to go home for another potty stop (of course I picked a park without a restroom), back out to the park, and then back home for yet another potty trip, because obviously I didn't learn my lesson the first time. All in all though it was fun... and at the park, I decided to try and get a new self-portrait. Apparently I picked some good light, because my eyes are sparkly! Yay!

On Saturday I got to do one of my favorite things - Scrap Mania. :) Scrap Mania is a 6 hour crop at my favorite scrapbooking store, Archiver's. Sarah and I went together with another friend of hers, Jennifer. And we had another super nice Jen at our table, too. This is the supplies I brought with me... four bulky bags of STUFF. I have worked hard recently to get my stuff organized and more transportable, and believe it or not, this is way better than it's been in awhile. Still, it's overwhelming! And I'm usually lucky to even use half of it... but I'd hate to leave anything home and then need it! ;-)

Sunday we kept busy with back-to-school shopping and a yummy dinner at the Daly's house. I was super grouchy when we got home though because... Sunday night. I always kind of crash at the end of the weekend... especially when the week before was rough... which it was. I sat on the couch and pouted and caught up on some other stuff... while my wonderful husband diligently sat at the table and worked on his resume. He is done with school, but still spends many a night at the table working... updating his resume, applying for jobs, touching base with recruiters, and constantly advertising himself and trying to find a better job. He works so hard, and we continue to just hope all his hard work will pay off with a better opportunity...... sooner rather than later!
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