So before I get into my photo of the day business, I want to take a moment to remember the shoot shooting at Columbine 10 years ago today. The 13 victims and their families remain in my thoughts and prayers to this day. I honestly can't believe it's been 10 years. As with most people, especially those in Colorado, I remember that day so well. I remember where I was when the news of the school shootings started to break. I remember sitting in my house at 805 Hartford in Boulder with my radio on and not paying much attention to it. It was a Tuesday, so I didn't have class, and I was studying in my room. As the reports continued, it started to hit me, and I eventually turned on the tv - where I sat transfixed. Then I realized - my good friend Lara's little sister was a senior at Columbine. I called her to find that her sister had not yet been located, so of course she was pretty distraught. It was terrifying, especially as I continued to watch the news until it was time for my friend Raeann and I to go check out the apartment we were planning on renting for the next year. She and I went to look at the apartment and then were in the office getting ready to sign the lease where the tv was on and of course it was dominated by coverage of the shooting. We put off signing our lease to go see our friend Lara in her dorm. Thankfully by the time we arrived her sister had contacted the family to let them know she was okay. After visiting with Lara for a bit, I headed home, again transfixed in front of the television for the night.
The event rocked the world of so many people, myself included. I went to the memorial service at Clement Park, on a cold rainy day, and shared the tears, sorrows, and prayers of so many people impacted by this tragedy. When I think about that day I still get chilled and choked up. I don't think that April 20, 1999 will ever feel like a distant memory... it's one of those days that is just frozen in time and truly will never be forgotten.

Okay so on with the regularly scheduled program. Today the boys finally got to play in the snow. Funny since two days after the storm, it's pretty much all melted off. Mostly there are just big piles scattered here and there from the snow plowing. And we hit nearly 70 degrees today, and will get up to 80 by the end of the week. Crazy Colorado weather! (Have I mentioned that lately?) So after their quiet time the boys found the closest pile of snow and got to work. First they threw snowballs, then stomped the snow, and ultimately busted out their hot wheel snow plows. (There truly is a hot wheel for every occasion). They are very intently snow plowing this pile of snow in today's photo! After awhile some of our neighbors joined in the fun, complete with buckets and shovels! It'll be interesting to see how much smaller our token snow pile - the remains of a foot of snow two short days ago - is tomorrow!
1 comment:
I too can't believe it was 10 years ago today either. I was trying to remember, but I believe you and I went to the evening mass that night at St. Thomas Aquinas. Do you remember that?
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