Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wobble gobbles

Monday, April 27, 2009
MORE snow!?

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Week 17 layout and Composition

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Also wanted to share real quick about our crazy night last night... we spent the evening at mass and a reception for my high school youth choir directors, in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. It was a virtual youth choir reunion, and it was so nice to see so many faces we hadn't seen in a long time, catch up, show off the kiddos, and more. It was a lot of fun, and a total blast from the past. Even though the boys were tired, it was still nearly 10pm before we left... I couldn't pull myself away. Makes me miss the good 'ol days......
Happy Anniversary again, Ed and Kelley, and thank you for the amazing impact you have made on so many lives, my own included!
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Did you know... this is my 99th post? Holy moley, I can't believe it! I'd like to think of something special or fun to post tomorrow, but I'm afraid I'm just boring and won't come up with anything worthy of being my "100th blog entry." WE SHALL SEE! :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Recycle truck day!

And now... time to start the countdown to the next visits from the garbage and recycle trucks!
A final shout out for tonight to Chris and Sarah, who found out today the little peanut due in September is a boy! Yay for another little nephew! :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
10 years
The event rocked the world of so many people, myself included. I went to the memorial service at Clement Park, on a cold rainy day, and shared the tears, sorrows, and prayers of so many people impacted by this tragedy. When I think about that day I still get chilled and choked up. I don't think that April 20, 1999 will ever feel like a distant memory... it's one of those days that is just frozen in time and truly will never be forgotten.

Week 16 Layout
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Another crazy Sunday...

From the birthday party we headed over to Kelly and Marcia's - they were having an open house to celebrate their new guy PK, who was being baptized at mass later in the afternoon. The boys had fun with their cousins and I got in some good snuggle time with PK - always one of my priorities! He's already a little smiler - so cute!
And finally, it was off to mass for the baptism! Jack sat with Grandpa and they were so cute together all through mass! Brayden was just tuckered out from the busy day with no nap and actually fell asleep on Rob's lap during mass. Eventually he got passed to me and that kiddo is HEAVY! Not like holding a little sleeping baby... he was like a ton of bricks! But it was still nice to cuddle him since he doesn't do that too much anymore!
Now it's late... the boys are crashed and it's back to the grind (school for Jack, work and school for Rob) tomorrow. I'm not ready for another week already! Hopefully will have that week 16 layout done tomorrow, too! :) Night night!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Blog #3 for the day

On another note, Brayden's eye is much better today... it still looks awful, but the swelling has gone down a ton. Now it's mostly just red all around. And thankfully it still doesn't seem to be bothering him much.
Now I was thinking earlier that I'd probably have my layout for this week tomorrow done to post tomorrow night, but realistically, it may be a day or two. Tomorrow is an extremely busy day with a birthday party, an open house, and a baptism to attend. All the while skipping naps and quiet time for the boys, so they should be completely overtired and cranky by the end of the day! So we'll see if the LO gets finished or not!
Two down, one to go!
One down, two to go!

Credits: Kit is "Traffic Jam" by Julie Billingsley; Template by Simply Yin; Font is Will&Grace
Again, click to see it bigger... although then you still won't be able to read it without a magnifying glass! Added to the list of things to do: figure out how to post larger photos on blogger.
Thanks for looking! :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Catching up
Anyway. Yesterday's moment of the day is one that happened when I did not have my camera with me. The picture in my head is of Jack and his BFF Jaxon walking up the staircase at their school to the street where we park. It was raining, and Jaxon brought his umbrella. They were walking together, holding the umbrella together. Total sweetness.
So since I missed that moment on film, I was disappointed and didn't feel like taking pictures later in the day. Consequently, Rob decided to pick up the camera and attempt to get creative. Granted I had to delete a lot of the photos that were blurry and out of focus - but he did get some really good shots! Particularly this one of Brayden... very well composed, good use of the rule of thirds, awesome focus on the close eye, good catchlights, and an emotionally great moment with Brayden! As always, I love those big brown eyes!
And then, the difference a day makes.It's never a good sign when the little guy wakes up with an eye looking like THIS. His eyelid was all puffy and swollen. I debated for a good part of the morning about whether or not this was something that warranted a trip to the doctor. I took this picture to send to Rob at work who immediately replied - that's not right, you should get him in. Part of the reason for my debate is the 2 feet of snow we are theoretically getting between today and tomorrow. Anyway ultimately I got him in for an appointment just to get it checked out. It wasn't red inside his eye at all, didn't seem to be bothering him, but it just LOOKED wrong. Turns out, he has a sty under his eyelid. Bummer. Nothing to do to treat it... just warm compresses (which he won't sit for) and eyedrops in case there is bacteria in there (which he hates). Good times! It got redder and more swollen outside as the day went on. Still didn't bother him one bit though - it just LOOKS miserable!
And as for the snow... we've got a solid six slushy inches out there. It rained, then snowed, then rained, then snowed... and snowed... I know there's more snow in other parts of the state, but it ain't over yet... it's supposed to keep coming through tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Early blogger

Today I also decorated a 2nd round of cupcakes for Jack's class - he's snack helper again tomorrow, and I don't *think* school will be snowed out this time! This also marks probably the 5th time in a month that I've decorated some kind of cake or pastry! Yeah, I'm never that domestic. This is like a new era in my life or something. In any case, in case there's no opportunity to photograph the cupcake goodness for my 365 album tomorrow, here's a peek. I used a simpler frosting method for this round of cupcakes! Cute just the same though. :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Garbage truck day

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter and back to school

So on a digital scrapbooking note... I'm still behind! Never finished last week's layout, and now this week's layout is set up but needs all the finishing touches as well! I knew I would get behind like this eventually... last week was one of the crazy busiest weeks we've had in awhile... I'm hoping things start settling down and can finish these layouts up ASAP!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bad blogger

Tonight we did our annual dyeing of the Easter eggs - always messy and fun! We invited Chris, Sarah and Kate over to join us - this was Kate's first Easter egg dyeing experience. The kids all had a great time. Jack was sad when we ran out of eggs! The particular brand of dye we used this year dyed Jack's hand a crazy shade of green - it looked like he had an Incredible Hulk hand. Thankfully most of it washed off.
Time to go fill the Easter baskets for the kiddos and then head to bed! Happy (almost!) Easter!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Arts and crafts time

Wednesday, April 08, 2009
We're goin' to the zoo... zoo... zoo...

We made our first trip of the year to the zoo today. It was seriously the perfect zoo day. It wasn't too hot or too cold... and it wasn't super crowded. The animals were out and about doing their thing. And most importantly, the kids did great! We met Castara, Kadin and Ashton there, and all four of the boys had a great time. Jack, Brayden and Kadin mostly just walked while Castara and I pushed the (mostly) empty strollers.
In this photo the boys are watching the seals... who were swimming laps around their pool and then kind of jumping out and doing belly flops. They watched and cracked up for quite awhile, and probably would have stayed to watch longer!
Other highlights from the day include the usual train ride, the baby giraffe, the elephants throwing dirt on themselves, an appearance from the lions, and a leopard who (according to Jack) REALLY likes kids!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
A new era of toys....

Of course tomorrow they won't have TOO much time to play with them because we are going to take advantage of the nice weather tomorrow and go to the zoo with my BF and her kiddies. This week has been CRAZY busy already and shows no signs of slowing down! Lots of stories to share already but it's late so I'll have to save some of those for another day! :)
Monday, April 06, 2009
Happy birthday Jack!!!

Age 1
Age 2
Age 3
Age 4
Happy Happy birthday buddy! We love you so much!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Special Agent Oso

Gonna be late again on this week's layout... spent my free time today doing other things... first birthday present shopping for Jack this afternoon, then this evening baking and decorating cupcakes (again!), decorating the living room, and wrapping presents for Jack's big day tomorrow! Rob is taking the day off tomorrow so he can spend some time with the birthday boy since he has class tomorrow night. We're all excited for the extended weekend, and for Jack's big day! All day today Jack was reminding us that today was his last day to be 4! (Where has my baby gone!?!?!)
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Boys boys boys!
Yesterday morning my BF Castara called us up hoping we could meet up for a last minute playdate. Of course! We decided just to meet at one of our regular spots during the cooler months... Cherry Creek mall. They have a fantastic play area which is great for littler and bigger kids alike! The boys all seemed to have a good time, and we mommies managed to get in some conversation around their craziness! The highlight of this trip though seemed to be the fountain... we used to go throw pennies in the fountain all of the time, till the boys started getting out of control playing in the water and ended up soaked and needing changes of clothes... hence trips to Children's place to buy dry clothes because we hadn't brought any... etc etc. So we kind of started just passing the fountain without stopping to avoid the wet mess! This trip we stopped though, thinking maybe the kids were older enough now to stay dry. That lasted about five minutes. :) They had a great time splashing around the water... and Jack and Kadin stayed MOSTLY dry. Brayden, however, was soaked! Thankfully I pack a dry set of clothes in the car just in case now. :)

Another group of boys we spend a ton of time with is the neighborhood boys! In our little corner of the neighborhood there is a group of six boys all close in age (Brayden the youngest at 3, Linus our neighbor the oldest at almost 6). Not only are they close in age, but they all have birthdays in March and April. Three in March, three in April! We thought this was just such a crazy cool coincidence, considering the boys were all buddies anyway. So we moms decided it would be fun to have a group birthday party for the six of them to celebrate together. We had that party today, and five of the six boys made it (below: Jack, almost 5; Linus, almost 6; Oliver, 4; Marcelo, almost 5; Brayden, 3). The boys all had a great time playing games, opening presents, breaking open a pinata, and of course, eating cake!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

We went to visit the new family at the hospital after Rob got off work this afternoon. We'd seen a picture earlier in the day but my oh my, he's even cuter in person! (Of course!) I could have just snuggled him all day. I have baby fever. Bad.
So what, pray tell, is under that hat?

Being an aunt is one of the coolest things in the world.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Creative thinking

A year later it feels like we've turned a 180. First, he did show improvement in his preschool class last year and his teachers' concerns subsided, but never went away, and I was always plagued with the "what if" feelings. What if something really IS wrong? We went forward with the eval at Children's... and the doctor we met with basically told us that yes, while a little quirky at times, Jack seemed perfectly normal and age appropriate by all standards she was measuring against. Sigh of relief. Then there's his preschool class this year. He is like the star of the class. His teachers love him. He has friends. He's thriving. He raises is hand to answer and ask questions, tell stories, share, etc. He loves school. He gets raving reviews from his teachers and I'm told he's more than ready for kindergarten (last year his teachers weren't sure he would be).
It's hard to say the true cause for the 180 from last year to this year. Was it just a set of teachers biased against him? I did always feel like they just wanted to find something wrong with him, and never really connected with him... whereas this year his classroom environment is so much more positive and he's connected with his teachers and classmates and they definitely bring out the best in him. Is the change a result of simply a year's worth of growth and development? I'm sure there is that... a year more mature... physically, emotionally, socially, developmentally.
In any case... a year ago a stack of blocks was a stack of blocks. Today the blocks came out for the first time in months. Jack's creative juices were flowing in a way I rarely witness. He was building and creating and narrarating everything he was doing. I was blown away. The picture above is the last thing he built before moving on to other things. On the left his a ferry boat carrying a car across some water. The right is the road that leads up to the dock where the cars drive onto the boat. It's a small boat that can only carry one car at a time. He was so proud of this creation. I had to document it. The feelings from a year ago are as real to me today as they were then, and I definitely still have spots that are raw from that experience. But I can't help but feel blessed with how far we have come, for whatever reason we've come to this place.
Tomorrow is Jack's 5-year check up, and for once I am going into the appointment with zero concerns. :)
And on a COMPLETELY unrelated note... my brother and his wife are in the hospital right now, on their way to welcoming their first born into the world! It seems Pam's water may have broken (slow leak) earlier in the week, but they didn't realize that was what happened. They had a doctor appointment today (she's 39 weeks) and were directed from there to the hospital... where they are supposed to be starting her on pitocin to get things rolling since it hasn't happened on its own yet (with the broken water). Hopefully I will have a new nephew by morning! I am giddy with excitement! Bet you can't guess what tomorrow's picture will be!!! :)