Saturday, January 31, 2009
January 31

Friday, January 30, 2009
January 30

Thursday, January 29, 2009
January 28 & 29

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 27... take two?

Anyone else get new phonebooks like every couple of months? Well we got another set over the weekend. Tuesday is recycling day so we had to figure out which phonebooks to keep and which to toss into the bin. Jack saw the phonebooks sitting out last night and for whatever reason decided we couldn't get rid of them, he wanted to READ them. I assured him that even if we recycled the old phonebooks, we still have others left for him to reas. Sure enough as soon as he was home from school today, he asked where the phonebook was cuz he wanted to read it! So we had to pull out the phonebooks (because of course if Jack reads the phonebook, Brayden wants to read the phonebook too!) for the boys to read. Does it make me a bad mom to say my kids are such little nerds? I just had to LAUGH. I think they got the idea from one of their TV shows, Imagination Movers. But still. It was just hilarious. Here Brayden is checking out something apparently interesting in Jack's book. He's got his own book on his lap too though. Nerds!
January 26 & 27

Okay well now blogger won't let me upload my second picture. Figures! Will try again in a few....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Week 4 Layout
As always, click to see it bigger... till I figure out how to post it bigger. :)
January 24 & 25

One of my moments on the couch, Brayden climbed up next to me with his blankie to watch TV. I just love the way his legs are just the perfect length that his feet stick off the end of the couch... his cute little feet, cute little socks, hiked up pant leg... everything about it. I can't belive this little guy is going to be 3 in less than two months! EEK!

Friday, January 23, 2009
January 23

Thursday, January 22, 2009
January 22

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 21
Week 2 Layout - all caught up!

Credits: Mr. Fix It by Miss Mint, staple from Miss Mint's Hanukkah Funukkah, Template by M Originals, Font: Marydale
Now I can finally get back to working on my OTHER projects, and I hope to just keep up with the photos and scrapping as I go from here on out!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 20
All day today Jack has been pretending to be Barack Obama. He has Brayden alternately play the role of his vice-president, or the former president. He's given several speeches, and speaks fondly of the white house he is going to move into when he leaves our green house! He really wants President Obama to move to Colorado. The way the hero-worship has evolved today, you'd think we were a whole lot more political - and democratic - around here! In any case, I am proud of him and his excitement about history in the making, and I hope someday he remembers this!
Backtracking... Week 1 Layout
Monday, January 19, 2009
Week 3 Layout

Credits: Kelyan by Petit Moineaux (kit), template by M Originals, gemstones by Gretchen Tripp, Fonts: SBC Courtneys Journal and Joyful Juliana
I realize the journaling is nearly impossible to read when the layout is shrunk to size for the web. In fact the whole thing is hard to see at all. You can click the image to see it larger - even then it's still hard to read. But I wanted to share anyway.
I'm just learning this blogger thing... I know there's a way to post them larger to begin with, but I haven't figured that out yet. Bare with me here.
January 19
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 18
A couple of months back my sister-in-law Sarah talked me into starting a book club with her. Today was our first official "meeting" where we actually had a book that we all chose to read and were supposed to have read by today! Sarah and I were the only ones who actually finished, but we still had a great time chatting about the book (mixed reviews!), babies, parenting, cooking, etc.
This month's book was "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Next month - The Glass Castle!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January 17
Friday, January 16, 2009
Here goes....
Soooo... here goes!